Who knew it could take so long to recover from the holidays? With no more reality TV shows to prompt regular posts, I’ll need to make more of an effort to keep all-things-art-blog-related moving in 2012.
This year is looking promising from the perspective of having things to write about (both here and on the travel side). I will be doing some volunteer work this year for California Lawyers for the Arts, an organization that – among other things – assists artists with their legal needs through various programs and referrals.
I’m also hoping to get back into the academic groove with more classes in the Visual Arts Post-Bac certificate program at UC-Berkeley Extension. And I’m helping a friend with a documentary film project (more on that when I can say more).
Also through CLA, I’m heading to Cuba next month for a research trip focusing on art and law! And, of course, there will be the Art for AIDS auctions and SF Open Studios again and whatever else I find irresistible. Suggestions are welcomed!