When I was forced to relocate my blog back in June, I took the opportunity to reformat in a way that would allow me to write outside the subject matter of travel and art without it being so jarring. With the circumstances of a new job and a move to a new apartment, I haven’t been able to do that as much as I would like and have realized how sad I feel when I’m not writing.
Fall has always been my favorite time of year. More than Spring, I associate Fall with new beginnings. Perhaps it’s due to the early association we all have with the autumnal start of the school year. I’ve always loved the feeling you have when you start a new class – at any time of year – as it brims with possibilities and the allure of a fresh start.
October in particular serves as transition month: the first full month of Fall, a chance to catch your breath before the holiday rush, and a time to consider how the year has gone as you enter its last quarter. As for me, I’m looking forward to this year’s ArtSpan event (open studios begin the weekend of October 13) and am hoping to take a trip to New York later this month or early next.