A Place For Inspiration and Creation

Many have attempted the doomed practice of comparing various aspects of San Francisco and New York, usually finding focus within the context of food or the arts (e.g. quality of restaurants, genesis of trends) and ending with heated exchanges over who has the better this or that. The whole process sounds like so much fun I think I will try one of my own: which city provides a more productive environment for its denizen artists? Continue reading

Where is New York?

New York is nothing like Paris; it is nothing like London; and it is not Spokane multiplied by sixty, or Detroit multiplied by four.
E.B. White,
Here is New York

About a decade ago, my partner and I began what has become a cherished tradition: spending Thanksgiving in New York with dear friends. Unlike what tends to happen as traditions over time become burdensome obligations, our annual trek to New York is one I look forward to all year. Continue reading