My friend, Eric, will be traveling to southern Spain in December, so we’ve been watching travel videos to get a flavor for what he can expect (and what I can expect if I tag along). For the most part, the shows are informative and somewhat entertaining. But do they really help with travel planning? All the hosts have inside connections due to their roll as host of a TV show that give them access to experiences that most won’t have. And – even with connections – how do they manage touring popular spots when no one else is around? For that skill, I’m very jealous!
Of all the ones I’ve seen, Globe Trekker seems to strike the best balance between giving too little information and being exhaustive. While I do think that some of the Globe Trekker episodes can have a little too much of the isn’t-our-host-cute-and-fun schtick, this genre in general relies heavily on the personality of the host. It does make sense as the producers are asking you to allow this person to be your video guide. If you don’t like the host, you will change the channel (or switch videos).
Overall, travel videos can impart useful information – what time of year is best to go, how often do trains run, is driving an alternative – but this is information you can easily access elsewhere. Despite their potential usefulness, I think my greatest resistance to most travel videos is they tend to reveal too much about what a place is like. In other words, they can destroy one of the elements that makes travel exciting: surprise.
So what do you think? Do you include travel videos in your trip planning regimen?